Salary uplifts from 1 January 2018

Today’s payslip reflects full effect of salary uplifts to salary to date. The payslip of 11 January reflected only a partial uplift (8 of 14 days).

Since 1 January there have been a number of changes to teachers’ salaries.

  • Scale salaries have been restored by 1% for all teachers.
  • Pay reductions imposed under HRA for teachers earning more than €65K have been
  • All post 1 January 2011 entrants have been merged onto a new common scale which includes the value of an honours degree allowance. There is scale equivalence between pre- and post-1 January 2011 scales when the honours allowance is taken into account but a length of scale difference remains to be addressed.
  • All post January 2012 entrants and 2011 entrants with a pass degree will see a pay uplift.
  • The €1,000 pay increase from 1 April 2017 will now be subsumed into the pay scale.
  • USC rates have been reduced and the standard rate income tax band has increased. The standard rate income tax band has increased from €33,800 to €34,500. The 2.5% USC rate is reduced to 2% and the ceiling for this rate increased from €18,722 to €19,372. The 5% rate of USC is  reduced to 4.75%.

Full details can be found in Circular 0083/2017 (pdf).

As always, members are reminded to check payslips.

INTO Members concerned that salary is incorrect should call the INTO Queryline on 01 8047700 or email