Revised Closing Date for Qualification Allowances

The DES have issued a final closing date of 31 October 2018 for claiming any outstanding Qualification Allowances.

In 2012 a public service-wide review of allowances was carried out by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. As a result of the review, qualification allowances were abolished with effect from 1 February 2012. Department of Education and Skills Circular 0008/2013 which issued on 25 January 2013 outlines the effect of this decision on teachers.

Circular 0083/2017 (pdf) which issued on 21 December 2017 outlines the new revised pay scale introduced with effect from 1 January 2018 and outlines the revised closing date of 31 October 2018 for receipt of applications for outstanding qualification allowances.

Teachers currently employed in Oireachtas funded posts who consider that they are entitled to a qualification allowance must make a claim for payment of the allowance before 31 October 2018 using the Application Form (pdf) available on the Department’s website at

Queries regarding entitlement to a qualification allowance from a Department paid teacher should be emailed to the Teacher/SNA Terms and Conditions Section of the Department at Queries regarding entitlement to a qualification allowance from teachers employed by an Education and Training Board should be directed to the HR Department of their employing ETB.

Any application for an additional allowance or salary top up received after that date will not be processed under any circumstances.