3rd September 2018
Dynamic new animation from the INTO sets out plan to value primary education.
As teachers and children head back to the classroom this week, the INTO kicks off its pre- Budget campaign with a dynamic new animation which sets out the challenges facing Irish primary education and the impact of ongoing cuts following the recession. Throughout the coming weeks, the INTO will be sharing the voices of members who will talk about the impact of cuts on their own schools.
Budget 2019 must deliver for our nation’s primary schools. With the recession behind us and the economy flourishing once more, it’s time to invest in primary education. Irish primary schools fare badly when it comes to funding relative to other levels within our education system. With more than half a million children attending a primary school in Ireland, these citizens and leaders of tomorrow deserve better.
INTO General Secretary Sheila Nunan said, “INTO shares the Government’s ambition to create a world class education system in Ireland. However, whilst long-term strategic investment will help, we must act quickly to shore up the current system which is reaching a breaking point. Our primary schools are understaffed and underfunded.
Teachers and principals in schools across the country are struggling with inadequate levels of financial support, large classes, recruitment challenges for supply cover alongside an overwhelming level of red tape. Newer entrants are hit with lower pay and our principals have still not been paid an award due ten years ago; these grievances must be remedied.
As we kick off our Budget campaign this week, we want to illuminate the challenges facing our members and our schools using dynamic new animations, utilising our members voices and ensuring we bring fully costed and well evidenced solutions to the table.”