1st October 2018
Ballot papers for the vote on the Public Service Stability Agreement (PSSA) 2018-2020, including the proposals on pay equality, are due to be posted later this week. INTO intends to facilitate the maximum possible involvement of members in this ballot.
At present, there is a backlog of applications for membership which is being dealt with. The delay is due both to the large volume of applications and to IT issues, as INTO staff in our Membership Section process both new joiner applications as well as applications to re-join from substitute teacher members whose annual membership expired on 31 August.
We are confident that all applications from re-joiners will be processed in time for inclusion in our posting of ballot papers. We have already processed all of these up to and including 28 September, other than in a rare case where there were issues with the form. There may
be some applications from teachers applying to join for the first time which we will not reach in time for the posting deadline (as of today, we have input those received to 21 September). We are working hard to ensure that the greatest possible number of applicants will be given votes, in accordance with the wishes of the Central Executive Committee. Our aim is that all applicants currently in the system will be facilitated to participate in this ballot.