25th February 2019
Staffing Circular 19/2019 issued today. It contains details of staffing arrangements for the 2019/2020 school year, including each school’s Special Education Teacher (SET) allocation.
There will be no change to the pupil teacher ratio for the coming year and accordingly no change to the thresholds for the appointment of Administrative Principal or Deputy Principal.
As the Special Education hours have been reviewed by the NCSE and Special Education Section for the 2019/20 school year, the staffing circular advises schools that all SET clusters will be dissolved at the end of this school year. The circular sets out the reclustering process for the coming year, using the revised allocations.
Where schools have lost a permanent post/ posts, either because of falling pupil numbers or changes to SET allocations, redeployment arrangements will apply. Teachers are redeployed through the main panels and the arrangements for this are set out in the Circular. There are
no substantial changes to the operation of the redeployment panels.
INTO is working on providing further resources for members in relation to the Circular.