31st October 2019
Following a request from the Minister of Education, the NCCA undertook a comprehensive review of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in primary and post-primary schools. This review commenced in June 2018 and included an examination of the current RSE curriculum, the approach to teaching and learning, resources and supports required as well as improvements that could be implemented to enhance the experience of RSE for students.
In conducting their review, the NCCA sought to obtain a full appreciation of the nature of young peoples’ needs and experience of RSE and their investigation involved students, parents, teachers, school leaders, researchers and organisations.
On foot of an extensive consultation, the NCCA produced a Draft Report on the Review of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Primary and Post-Primary Schools which was made public and a second phase of consultation began in July 2019. Feedback on the draft report was facilitated through an online survey (which was open until October 25th 2019), written submissions and a consultative symposium.
Whilst various proposals have emerged including proposed advice for the future approach to RSE, suggestions regarding future curriculum developments, the conditions needed for effective RSE among others, there are no proposals for curriculum change at present. All suggestions and feedback from the NCCA review will be carefully considered and will inform a revised Report on RSE.
Further consultation will take place when proposals for curriculum change in SPHE, of which RSE is part, emerge at a later date following an overall review of the Primary Curriculum, which is the central theme of this year’s INTO Education Conference.