17th June 2020
The Department of Education and Skills has issued Circular 40/2020 in relation school evaluations for 2020/21. The circular provides that there will be no new or additional SSE requirements on schools in the 2020/21 school year. Instead schools are encouraged to use SSE to plan for and address the challenges involved in the return to schools in the 2020/21 school year and/or complete SSE work that would normally have been completed in March-June 2020. In addition, the Inspectorate will adjust its programme of work to support schools and the education system during Term One as the return to school takes place and in line with public health advice and the prevailing health circumstances. The Inspectorate will plan for a phased recommencement of a limited programme of normal inspection work from Term Two.
In its submission on the reopening of schools, the INTO insisted on the suspension of inspections and initiatives other than those which are aimed at contributing to the school’s efforts to maintain the health and well- being of the school community for the period of the crisis.