20th August 2020
The INTO Queryline welcomes queries from members but is currently experiencing an unprecedented level of demand. We are anxious to assist members at this exceptional time and we have put additional resources, including staffing, in place to support this service. However, due to the nature of the queries at this particular time, the average response time to calls and emails is much longer. We recognise that it is taking some days to get back to members. While we always endeavour to meet our service targets, it is not possible at this time, despite every available staff member working to respond.
In order to assist us in responding more efficiently to queries, we would ask members to consider logging their queries by email at info@into.ie giving relevant details of their query. Response times for email queries are the same as for phone queries, as all queries are logged in the order they are received. We ask that members continue to bear with us as we work through these queries.
In the meantime, we would also ask that members consult our FAQs, or watch our informational webinar where we have addressed many of the issues for teachers. Our COVID-19 Support Hub contains all of our up to date information and guidance.
Please note that query staff are prioritising getting information and advice to members and that they are not in a position to deal with INTO policy matters which are for the elected INTO leadership to consider.
We appreciate that this is a very anxious time and we are doing out utmost to ensure that members have the information and advice they need in advance of returning to school.