Training and resources to be provided before Bí Cineálta Procedures commence in September 2025

On Wednesday, June 19 the Department of Education published the Bí Cineálta Procedures, which will replace the 2013 Anti-Bullying Procedures from the start of the school year after next commencing from 1 September 2025. The INTO has engaged extensively with the Department of Education on the procedures and accompanying appendices since April 2022 and called for appropriate training and resources to be made available to all teachers in advance of the commencement of the procedures.

INTO understands that during the next school year there will be a three phased CPD process available to support the development of the school’s Bí Cineálta policy and implementation of the procedures. The new Bí Cineálta procedures will not be implemented until September 2025 and schools should continue to operate under the 2013 procedures in the interim. A Circular is expected to issue with further details in the near future.

The Inspectorate of the Department of Education also published a report entitled Perspectives on Bullying Behaviour (2023). This is the first in a series of five annual reports which the Inspectorate plans to undertake between 2023-2027. The report identifies strategies which the Inspectorate views as being impactful in preventing and addressing bullying behaviour. It also contains recommendations on what steps schools can take to be more inclusive of the pupil voice when it comes to dealing with bullying behaviour.