Next round of pay increases under PSA 2024-2026

INTO welcomes the publication today of Circular 0015/2025, which outlines the pay uplift to be applied to teachers’ salaries with effect from 1 March 2025 under the terms of the current pay agreement. The forthcoming increase will be worth either 2% or €1,000 annually, whichever is greater on all scale points. The value of allowances including promoted posts, location and qualification allowances will also be increased by 2%.

The Department of Education and Youth has confirmed that this pay increase will be reflected in payslips on Thursday 13 March 2025. As this pay period will cover 25 February to 10 March inclusive, the increase will only apply to ten of the fourteen days in the pay period. Salaries paid on 27 March 2025 will reflect the full value of the salary increase on teachers’ fortnightly pay.

The percentage increases have also been applied to hourly and daily rates of pay.

The impact of these increases on salaries is outlined in Circular 0015/2025.

Members are reminded that they have the option to receive their payslips electronically, by registering at

Members are also reminded to regularly review their payslips, to confirm that they are being paid at the correct scale point, with allowances where applicable. Salary scale points are printed on the top right-hand corner of teachers’ payslips. There is general information here, in an InTouch article Understanding Your Payslip, and queries about salaries can be directed to primary payroll using the form here.

A further 1% increase to teachers’ salaries is due to be applied from 1 August 2025.