7th September 2020
The presidents and general secretaries of nine teacher unions from Ireland and Britain met under chairperson Christine Blower from the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE).
The general secretaries of these unions worked very closely throughout the last six months when solidarity and unity of purpose were so necessary.
The meeting discussed international issues relating to ETUCE and Education International (EI) including the recent International Summit on the Teaching Profession, where participants reflected on country responses to Covid-19 as applicable to the education sector.
In the reports from regions, the planning and resourcing for the reopening of schools was the main focus. INTO General Secretary John Boyle, who is secretary of the group stated after the meeting:
“I have really valued the support of colleagues from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales and the close cooperation with ASTI, IFUT and TUI during the last six months as we faced huge challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic.”
INTO President Mary Magner added “We are stronger together. The solidarity shown by fellow leaders of education unions and the sharing of good practice at today’s meeting augurs well for all teacher unions on these islands as we continue our work to support our members.”