Education Budget 2020 – INTO Lobby Begins

Lobby Training for Members

INTO has started work towards lobbying on education issues for Budget 2020 (scheduled in October 2019).

As in previous years, INTO will lobby at local (constituency) and national levels. The national lobby day is planned for June.

Local Lobby Training

During May, INTO will conduct a series of lobby training sessions around the country. Attendees will include activists nominated locally and members who commit to participation in this important work.

With key priorities including class size, better supports for school leadership and school funding, INTO lobbying must be effective and widespread in the run-up to Budget 2020.

Constituency-level lobbying of TDs is a critical part of INTO’s pre-Budget work. It is complemented by the June national lobby. Details of the lobby training events are as follows:

  • Tuesday 21 May – Clayton Silver Springs, Tivoli Cork and Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk
  • Wednesday 22 May – Clayton Hotel, Liffey Valley, Dublin

Each training session will commence at 5pm and conclude with a buffet dinner not later than 6:30pm.

Interested in Helping with Lobby Work?

Although numbers are limited and those nominated by CEC for national lobbying have places reserved, INTO invites members who are interested in active participation in this lobbying work to register for attendance at the session nearest to you.

To register, please email with details of your contacts and the venue nearest to you.