3rd February 2023
Earlier this week, the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) issued a statement condemning the lack of consultation with teacher representatives in respect of proposed changes to summer courses. The union has secured a meeting with the Department of Education, which will take place next week.
Meeting today in Athlone, the Central Executive Committee again challenged this regressive move, expressing concern that the proposed changes will significantly impact those with parental and caring responsibilities. The executive is firmly of a view that this policy change fails to recognise teachers as agentic, trusted and autonomous professionals. The change to online CPD will limit teachers’ choice and flexibility in terms of accessing professional development.
Members have strongly indicated that it will also have a negative impact on staffing the Department of Education Summer Programme for children with special educational needs, as teachers may struggle to undertake participation in both this amended online professional development and summer provision.
At a time of curriculum change, when the Department of Education should be encouraging teacher engagement with professional development, this retrograde step will disincentivise teachers who have consistently engaged in CPD outside of their working hours and at their own expense.
The INTO will update members following the meeting with the Department of Education next week.