15th April 2024
The Department of Education has today published Circular 0029/2024 which sets out the allocation of 500 Assistant Principal 2 (AP2) posts which were provided for in Budget 2024. These posts will commence in primary and special schools from September 2024. INTO has been engaging with the DE to enable the process to fill these posts to begin before the summer.
The revised table of Posts of Responsibility ensures that a considerable number of schools who have 17 or more authorised teaching posts in this school year will see a small increase in the number of AP2s they are entitled to from 1 September 2024.
Assistant principals work with both principals and deputy principals, sharing responsibility across a range of areas including learning and teaching, leading school development (including curriculum development), pupil support (including wellbeing), special education, planning for DEIS and inclusion.
These posts will improve promotional opportunities for teachers who also gain vital experience at middle management level.
Today’s publication means that since 2017, circa 3250 posts of responsibility will have been restored. Approximately 2000 posts of responsibility remain outstanding. The INTO is determined to continue its longstanding campaign for the full restoration of posts of responsibility. The union will lobby vigorously for full restoration in Budget 2025.
The INTO will host a webinar for Principals on Making Appointments to Posts of Responsibility on Wednesday, 1 May at 3.15pm. To register for the webinar click here.