Different Families, Same Love competition returns for May 2025!
The INTO LGBT+ Teachers’ Group are delighted to announce the return of the Different Families, Same Love competition for May 2025.
To mark International Family Equality Day (IFED) and International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT) we are asking teachers to take action in their classrooms between the 4th and 17th of May to celebrate the diversity of people and families in Ireland and to address and prevent homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in schools.
- iPads for Jnr and Snr category winners
- Raffle for One4All voucher for all participating teachers
- Hampers of books for Whole School category winners and runners up to all categories
Who Can Enter?
This competition is open to all primary schools and special schools in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
- Junior: Infants to 2nd Class/P1-P4
- Senior: 3rd to 6th Class/P5-P7
- Whole school (2 or more classes collaborating)
Tá fáilte faoi leith roimh iarratais ó Ghaelscoileanna agus scoileanna Gaeltachta.
How to Get Involved?
Competition entries, like our families, can take many forms so you and your students can choose to enter as an individual class or work together with other classes to create a whole school entry based on the theme ‘Different Families, Same Love’.
Entries will be judged on
- relevance to the theme e. showcasing lots of different types of family structures and identities, including gender identities (40 marks)
- overall quality of the work (30 marks)
- creativity and originality (20 marks) and
- how well the learning was shared with wider audiences (10 marks) *NB*
Whole school entries must show evidence of work from two or more classes.
Steps to Success
- Browse the recommended resources below
- Explore the theme ‘Different Families, Same Love’ with your class
- Share your learning with others (school/families/wider community). If sharing online, use the hashtag #differentfamiliessamelove
- Download and complete the entry form
- Send the entry form and evidence of your project (photos, videos, mp3, children’s artwork etc.) to differentfamiliessamelovecomp@gmail.com
- Closing date for entries is 5 pm Friday, 23rd May
Recommended Resources
- Entry form PDF or Entry Form Word Doc
- Poster
- Lesson ideas
- Webinar Presentation
- All Together Now! – An educational awareness programme on homophobic and transphobic bullying
- We All Belong – Lessons based around inclusive picture books
- Additional resources
- Further resources available here