The INTO Palestine Ambassadors’ Group was officially formed at Congress 2022 following the passing of Motion 161 at INTO Congress 2022.
As a union of educators tasked with instilling learners with a global outlook, respect for the law and a desire for justice, INTO has a definitive position with regards to the conflict in Israel and Palestine.
INTO agrees with the opinion of Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and others (including UN investigations) that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid as defined by the UN with regard to its treatment of Palestinians.
In addition, our members lament the complete failure of the international community to hold Israel accountable for its actions or exert any meaningful pressure on the Israeli structures of governance to move toward a political solution, which respect the rights of all citizens under its control.
INTO rejects unequivocally accusations that focusing on Israel’s crimes is in itself discriminatory. INTO is a non-racist, non-sectarian organisation. In highlighting the openly discriminatory nature of Israel’s occupation, its military blockade of Gaza and its treatment of Palestinian communities within Israel’s internationally recognized borders (all of which have been observed first-hand by our members) we seek a just resolution to the conflict based on non-violence, observance of international law and the respect for the universal, inalienable, and indivisible rights of every human being.
- Educate our members on the situation in Israel and Palestine and support initiatives designed to exert non-violent pressure on the Israeli authorities to respect human rights and international law, including the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement.
- To unite and organise the teachers of Ireland to support and promote the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.
- To build solidarity and mutual understanding between our trade union members and the Palestinian people.
- To raise awareness among our trade union members of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land, the plight of Palestinian refugees and the struggle of Palestinian citizens of Israel for full equality and rights.
- To promote engagement by the Irish Government, the political institutions in the North and the EU for a just and equitable settlement based on the full and equivocal implementation of international law.
- To develop and coordinate support for Palestine rights among political parties North and South, the media, faith groups, local authorities and the general public.
- To foster links between Palestine and Irish schools in education to support the concept of equal access to full education for all children, and to strive for the raising of educational standards and promote human and civil rights.
- To promote Palestinian culture, including literature, music and other arts in Ireland.
- To enhance and develop existing links with trade union bodies.
- To support and promote the Palestinian led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign for freedom, justice and equality for the Palestinian people.
- Convene every 8 weeks. 6 Meetings annually. 3 x meetings for whole group, 3 for steering committee.
- Meetings will alternate online and face-to-face. With face to face alternating between venues North and South.
- The AGM will be held in the summer term, following the district cycle.
- Open to all members of INTO.
- In accordance with Rule 2 of INTO Rules, the Palestinian Ambassadors Group shall be a non-party, non-sectarian, non-sexist and non-racist organisation.
- As an affiliated group of the INTO union, the rules and constitution of the organisation will govern.
- Members will be compliant and subject to the full union rules.
Committee Members
- Chairperson – John O’Brien
- Vice Chair – Gregor Kerr
- Secretary – Susan McMullan
- Committee members – Sean Mullin, Tara O’Sullivan, Dara McCaughey
- Letter to District Secretary re Palestine Ambassadors’ Group
- Palestine Ambassadors leaflet for districts
- INTO Palestinian Ambassadors Group staffroom poster