The objectives of the INTO are:
- To unite and organise the teachers of Ireland and to provide a means for the expression of their collective opinion on matters affecting the interests of education and of the teaching profession.
- To safeguard and improve the conditions of employment of its members, and to promote their interests.
- To regulate the relations between members and their fellow members, and between members and their employers.
- To afford advice and assistance to individual members on professional matters.
- To promote the interests of education and to support the concept of equal access to full education for all children, and to strive for the raising of educational standards.
- To afford to the authorities responsible for the administration of education the collective advice and experience of the members.
- To cultivate a spirit of fraternal co-operation with kindred organisations in this and other countries, to develop and maintain close links with retired members in Northern Ireland and the Retired Teachers’ Association of Ireland (RTAI), and to build on and develop existing links with trade union bodies.
- To establish and administer a Fund or Funds for the purpose of providing assistance to members and their dependants in accordance with the rules.
- To encourage the promotion and development of Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union and other services and facilities of benefit to members.
- To provide, either directly or indirectly, benefits and facilities for members.
- To promote the principle of equality in all aspects of education and the teaching profession.