FAQs for School-Based Summer Programme 2022

INTO FAQs (School-based)

1. Introduction

2. General Information/Terms and Conditions

3. The Programme Overseer

4. Recruitment of External Staff

5. Preparation Time


6. Transport

7. Primary Inclusion Programme

8. Expanded Special Class and Special Programme for 2022

9. Expanded DEIS Literacy and Numeracy Summer Camps

The DEIS Literacy and Numeracy Summer Camp is funded to target education and social disadvantage. It seeks to assist pupils who are experiencing social or academic difficulties in language and numeracy who would benefit from a week-long Summer Camp with a very small teacher-pupil ratio.

The Summer Camp Programme Teachers’ Handbook can be accessed at this link.

10. Appeals

11. Summary

Still have questions?

Submit your query by email to INTO. Please include your payroll number.