Search Results

  • Temporary Re-assignment Scheme for Primary Teachers

    For comprehensive details of the temporary re-assignment scheme, refer to Chapter 9 of circular 54/2019, published 1 September 2019. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Home School Community Liaison Scheme

    Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) is a major, mainstream, preventative strategy targeted at pupils at risk of not reaching their potential in the educational system because of background characteristics which...

  • Religious Ethos and Equality

    Many teachers who do not practice or share the religious ethos of their school patron express concerns regarding discrimination given their non-belief or the non-congruence of their personal lives with...

  • Information on Amalgamation

    1. The initiative for an amalgamation may come from the school’s patron/ trustees or from the Department of Education and Skills. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • INTO School Year Planner 2024/25

    Download the INTO School Year Planner for the 2024/25 school year here. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Release Time for Teaching Principals

    Circular 11/2024 (PDF) sets out the provisions in relation to release time for teaching principals (with substitution) in primary schools for the 2024/2025 school year. To keep reading, please join...

  • Other School Matters

    Amalgamation Administration of Medicine Croke Park Hours Directives GDPR Lunchtime Supervision Parent / Teacher Meetings Tips and advice on preparing for formal parent-teacher meetings. School Accommodation School Reconfiguration for Diversity...

  • School Year

    INTO School Year Planner 2024/25 Exceptional Closings Standardisation of School Year Closing for Elections Closing in the Interests of Public Health School Tours Length of School Day...

  • Exceptional Closings

    If a school has not been in operation for at least 182 days in the school year the grant of salary and allowances may be reduced, unless owing to some...

  • Closing for Elections

    A school may not be closed for an election unless the school premises (or any portion thereof) have been requisitioned as a polling booth. To keep reading, please join us...

  • Closing in the Interests of Public Health

    When the closing of a school is deemed necessary in the interests of public health, the written recommendation of the Medical Officer of Health should be obtained by the chairperson...

  • School Tours

    Schools may be closed for one day in the school year for the purpose of an educational tour with the permission of the board of management. At least 25% of...

  • Length of School Day

    The following text is taken from Circular 11/95 Time in School (PDF) The term ‘school hours’ in relation to any school day means the entire time of the school meeting...

  • Standardisation of School Year

    Circular 0072/2022 Standardisation of the School Year in respect of Primary & Post-Primary Schools for the years 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Lunchtime Supervision

    Circular 33/2013 (PDF) Public Service Stability Agreement 2013 – 2016 (Haddington Road Agreement). Supervision Scheme in Primary Schools – June 2013 To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • LGBT+ Teachers Rights

    The lived workplace experiences of LGBT+ teachers in Irish schools INTO LGBT+ Teachers’ Group LGBT+ Education Resources Good Teaching/Learning Practice Videos Addressing LGBT+ Identity Based Bullying Different Families, Same Love...

  • Croke Park Hours

    The initial circular in respect of the Croke Park Agreement is 08/2011, and this was further updated by circular 42/2016. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • School Accommodation

    General information on school accommodation Planning a school project Funding School design...

  • General information on school accommodation

    While much progress has been made on modernising school buildings over the past number of years, INTO continues to stress that adequate investment needs to be maintained to compensate for...

  • Planning a school project

    Planning a School Project? (PDF) InTouch April 2014 To keep reading, please join us or log in....