Retirement Planning Seminars
INTO Retirement Planning Seminars and Webinars are delivered by a team of experts and are specifically tailored for primary teachers who are contemplating retirement. We advise that if you are...
How to fill in your RET1 form
Head Office receives many queries from members who are in the process of filling out the Application Form for payment of Retirement Benefits. This form is commonly known as the...
Resignation/Retirement Notice
Whether resigning from your position to move school or for retirement, these Frequently Asked Questions are designed to assist you in that process. I am retiring. From what date can...
Disability/Ill-Health Retirement
Frequently asked questions What is Disability/Ill Health Retirement? Disability/Ill health retirement is a provision where a teacher develops a medical condition and becomes permanently incapacitated (due to disability of body,...
Death in Service
If you are a vested member of a public service pension scheme, the following benefits may be payable to your family or Estate if you die in service: To keep...
Working in Retirement and Abatement
Many teachers who have retired and are in receipt of a pension often return to the workforce. This can either be for a short or longer period of time. Returning...
Retired Teachers’ Association of Ireland
Retired teachers are strongly advised to join the Retired Teachers’ Association of Ireland (RTAI). To keep reading, please join us or log in....
PME Fee Refund Scheme FAQs
What is the purpose of Circular 0069/2024? The purpose of the Circular is to notify teachers, principals and school management authorities of the eligibility criteria for the scheme and to...
Resources to support Neurodivergence ICTU Neurodiversity Guide ...
Menstrual and Menopausal Welfare
Ireland’s largest trade unions have called for employers and the Government to implement mandatory workplace menstrual and menopausal policies. To keep reading, please join us or log in....
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INTO LGBT+ Teachers’ Group
The INTO LGBT+ Teachers’ Group supports and advances the cause of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender primary school teachers in Ireland and advocates for LGBT+ inclusion in primary schools. ...
Leave Estimator
LGBT+ Education Resources
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Good Teaching/Learning Practice Videos
Children learn kindness and tolerance from a young age. We teach them about Martin Luther King and his famous speech outlining his dream for a more equal world. We teach...
Addressing LGBT+ Identity Based Bullying
Bullying is defined as ‘unwanted negative behaviour, verbal, psychological or physical conducted by an individual or group against another person (or persons) and which is repeated over time.’ (Anti-bullying Procedures...
Different Families, Same Love Competition
Different Families, Same Love Presentation
Payroll, Processing, Payslips and Practical Considerations Webinar
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Supporting Pupils from Ukraine
In light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, many schools across the country will be supporting Ukrainian families and pupils as they arrive in Ireland. We have collated some useful...