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  • Pensions

    A pension provides for an income in retirement. Throughout your teaching career you are making contributions to a pension scheme and building up an entitlement to a pension. When you...

  • Retirement

    It’s never too early to start thinking about your pension and planning for your retirement. This applies to all teachers no matter what stage of their career they are at....

  • Single Public Service Scheme

    Teachers who began work on or after 1 January 2013 are members of the Single Pension Scheme. This scheme, across the public service, bases pensions on career average earnings. To...

  • New Entrant Pension Scheme

    This page only relates to the New Entrant pension scheme, which applies to teachers who entered service from 1 April 2004 and prior to 1 January 2013, or who returned...

  • External Organisations

    The INTO is represented on, and collaborates with, a broad range of external bodies that work to progress EID. INTO officials and representatives use their engagement on these groups as...

  • Spouses and Children’s Pension

    The Spouses and Children’s Pension Scheme provides for an income for your spouse and/or children should you predecease them. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) contributions and pension benefits

    All teachers pay PRSI (Pay Related Social Insurance Contributions) on salary earned from the Department of Education. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Increasing your pension pot and financial planning

    Pensions provide for an income in retirement. Depending on the scheme you are in and the contributions you have made, this will determine how much you receive as a pension...

  • Further information

    Single Scheme To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Retirement Planning Seminars

    INTO Retirement Planning Seminars and Webinars are delivered by a team of experts and are specifically tailored for primary teachers who are contemplating retirement. We advise that if you are...

  • How to fill in your RET1 form

    Head Office receives many queries from members who are in the process of filling out the Application Form for payment of Retirement Benefits. This form is commonly known as the...

  • Resignation/Retirement Notice

    Whether resigning from your position to move school or for retirement, these Frequently Asked Questions are designed to assist you in that process. I am retiring. From what date can...

  • Disability/Ill-Health Retirement

    Frequently asked questions What is Disability/Ill Health Retirement? Disability/Ill health retirement is a provision where a teacher develops a medical condition and becomes permanently incapacitated (due to disability of body,...

  • Death in Service

    If you are a vested member of a public service pension scheme, the following benefits may be payable to your family or Estate if you die in service: To keep...

  • Working in Retirement and Abatement

    Many teachers who have retired and are in receipt of a pension often return to the workforce. This can either be for a short or longer period of time. Returning...

  • 2024 Home-Based Summer Programme

    Payment Information Claim forms for the 2024 Home Based Summer Programme are currently being processed in the order of date of receipt and payments will issue on a fortnightly basis...

  • Taskforce on Equality, Inclusion and Diversity

    Following on from a resolution passed at Congress 2022, the INTO established a taskforce to progress matters in Equality, Inclusion and Diversity (EID). The priorities arising from the taskforce will...

  • INTO Webinar – What to expect when you go back to school? (Aug 2020)

    To keep reading, please join us or log in. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Pension – Single Public Service Pension Scheme

    What are the terms of the Single Public Service Pension scheme? Teachers who began work on or after 1 January 2013 are members of the Single Pension Scheme. This scheme,...

  • S.29 Appeals Procedures

    Circular 0069/2020 outlines the arrangements and procedures for appeals under section 29 of the Education Act. To keep reading, please join us or log in....