Search Results

  • Grievance Procedure

    The following procedure for handling grievances in schools has been agreed between the INTO and the principal management bodies. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Bullying/Harassment Procedure

    The procedure set out below may be initiated in relation to any of the following circumstances, which may occur in the workplace or otherwise in the course of employment: To...

  • Garda Vetting

    The National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act commenced in 2016. The Act places the vetting of persons undertaking certain work or activities with children or vulnerable adults on...

  • The Teaching Council

    It a requirement for teachers to register with the Teaching Council in order to be paid salary by the State. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Education & Curriculum

    Supporting Pupils from Ukraine Special Education Reports and Resources School Inspection and Evaluation of Teachers Education Conference Education Committee...

  • School Leadership

    Advice, Support and Information Behaviour and Discipline INTO Advice and Representation INTO Principals’ and Deputy Principals’ Committee INTO Principals’ and Deputy Principals’ Conference INTO Principals’ and Deputy Principals’ Fora INTO...

  • Pay

    Payroll, Processing, Payslips and Practical Considerations Webinar Pay Scales Allowances Substitute Teachers Payment of Salary Incremental Credit Acting Up Allowance Temporary Teachers & Holiday Pay Supervision Payment Taxation and PRSI...

  • DEIS

    Circular 0034/2023 DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) Action Planning and Grant Allocation for all DEIS Schools July 2023 To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Child Protection

    Procedures & Compliance Circular 0081/2017 INTO Resources DES Resources Children First Resources...

  • Social Inclusion

    Educational Disadvantage Language Support Intercultural Education...

  • Staff & Parent Relations

    Working Together Good Practice Procedure to Address Staff Difficulties Mediation Bullying/Harassment Procedure Grievance Procedure Sexual Harassment EAS/Counselling Adult Bullying Teachers and Court Cases INTO/Management Complaints Procedure Home School Community Liaison...

  • Staffing & Appointments

    Staffing for 2024/2025 Staffing arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2024/25 school year. Appointment Procedures Information on appointment procedures and the most recent appointment/re-appointment form published by the Department of...

  • Teacher Registration

    The Teaching Council Droichead Garda Vetting...

  • Redeployment Panels

    Main Panel Redeployment Arrangements at Primary Level for Surplus Permanent & CID Holding Teachers Supplementary Panel This panel comes into operation once the main panel has been cleared...

  • Main Panel

    To keep reading, please join us or log in. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • School Inspection and Evaluation of Teachers

    To keep reading, please join us or log in. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Guide to Inspection in Primary Schools 2016

    A Guide to Inspection in Primary Schools (PDF) 2016 To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Intercultural Education

    NCCA Intercultural Guidelines for Schools (PDF) Intercultural Education in the Primary School – Guidelines for Schools To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Language Support

    To keep reading, please join us or log in. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Posts of Responsibility

    Appointments to posts of responsibility are made in accordance with Chapter 3 of Circular 44/2019. To keep reading, please join us or log in....