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  • Resignation

    A teacher may resign from their position at any time, by writing to their board of management specifying the date on which their resignation will take effect. They are then...

  • Service Abroad and Incremental Credit

    Circular 10/2001 is the circular regarding incremental credit for recognised teaching service outside Ireland. If incremental credit is granted, a teacher will be moved up the salary scale. Incremental credit...

  • Spouses’ and Children’s Pension Scheme

    Circular PEN 14/05 (Word) Revision of the Spouses’ and Children’s Pension Scheme Option to join the Revised Scheme May 2005 To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Retired Teachers’ Association

    Retired teachers are strongly advised to join the Retired Teachers’ Association (RTA). To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Advice, Support and Information

    Good quality, reliable information is available to school leaders through this website, InTouch magazine, the weekly E-newsletter (every Tuesday during term-time – subscribe here), a termly Principals’ E-newsletter, the INTO...

  • Payment of Salary

    Salary for primary teachers issues every second Thursday from the Department of Education. The payroll period is listed at the top of your payslip. To keep reading, please join us...

  • Pensions & Retirement

    There are currently three different primary teacher pension schemes: – To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Supplementary Panel

    Circular 57/2023, published on 16 November 2023, sets out the conditions and application process for access to the Supplementary Panel for recruitment to permanent positions arising for the 2024/25 school...

  • Sick Leave

    On 1 February 2024, the Department of Education published circular 13/2024, Sick Leave Scheme for Registered Teachers Employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools, here (PDF). To keep reading,...

  • Evaluation of Schools and Teachers

    The following section contains information on the role of the Inspectorate in schools. The information provided is general in nature but links are provided to original documents and sources of...

  • Evaluation of Teachers

    A District Inspector has independent responsibility for the inspection of the schools in her/his district and for the assessment of the work of the teachers, under the direction and supervision...

  • Droichead

    Droichead is the integrated process for addressing post-qualification professional practice conditions and is the only route of induction for all primary and post-primary teachers registered from 1 June 2020. To...

  • Inspectorate Code of Practice

    Inspectors must carry out their functions in accordance with procedures determined by the Minister. These are set down in the Code of Practice for the Department of Education Inspectorate, updated...

  • Section 13 (9) Appeals Procedure

    Section 13(9) of the Education Act 1998 gives any school or teacher dissatisfied with the professional work or conduct of an Inspector or an Inspector’s report the right to seek...

  • School Self-Evaluation

    Circular 56/2022 School Self-Evaluation: Next Steps September 2022 – June 2026 was released in August 2022. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Circular 0081/2017

    Circular 0081/2017 advises school management authorities that following consultations between the Department of Education, organisations representing school management, parents and teachers, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and Tusla,...

  • Carer’s Leave

    For comprehensive details of Carer’s Leave entitlements, refer to Chapter Six (PDF) of Department of Education circular 54/2019. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Secondments

    For comprehensive details of the Secondment scheme, refer to Circular 29/2018. To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • Adoptive Leave

    For comprehensive details of Adoptive Leave entitlements, refer to Circular 47/2023 (PDF). To keep reading, please join us or log in....

  • INTO/Management Complaints Procedure

    The INTO and Primary School Management first reached agreement in 1993 on a procedure for dealing with complaints by parents against teachers. The purpose of the procedure was to facilitate...