In the case of a child who is, or is to be, adopted the term “relevant parent” means a teacher who is:
(i) the qualifying adopter of the child, and
(ii) the spouse, civil partner or cohabitant, as the case may be, of the qualifying adopter of the child
How much parent’s leave do I have?
As of 1 August 2024, each parent is entitled to nine weeks of parent’s leave.
This leave is available until your child turns two, or in the case of adoption, for the first two years following your child’s placement.
This leave is available until your child turns two, or in the case of adoption, for the first two years following your child’s placement.
I had twins. Am I entitled to additional Parent's Leave?
No, Parent’s Leave is not increased in the case of multiple births. As the parent of twins, you will have access to nine weeks of Parent’s Leave.
Is parent’s leave paid?
Parent’s leave is not paid by the Department of Education, but if you have sufficient PRSI contributions – at Class A or Class D – you may be eligible to claim Parent’s Benefit from the DSP, details here. This weekly benefit is €289 per week.
How do I apply for parent’s leave and benefit?
You should apply to your school with six weeks’ notice, using the form at Appendix A (PDF) from circular 58/2024.
You must also apply online to the Department of Social Protection for Parent’s Benefit, with at least four weeks’ notice, details here.
You must also apply online to the Department of Social Protection for Parent’s Benefit, with at least four weeks’ notice, details here.
Do I have to take parent’s leave in full seven-day blocks?
The full nine weeks do not have to be taken consecutively, but parent’s leave must be taken in multiples of seven days.
The full nine weeks do not have to be taken consecutively, but parent’s leave must be taken in multiples of seven days.
Does parent’s leave have to start on a Monday, or on any particular day?
No, parent’s leave can commence on any day of the week, as long as it’s being taken in full seven-day blocks. (E.g. Monday to Sunday, Wednesday to Tuesday, etc.)
I’m taking leave coming up to holidays. My school is finishing in the middle of a week. Do I have to use a full week of parent’s leave for this final week, even though my school is only open for a couple of days?
You cannot take half a week of parent’s leave, but you may prefer to request a number of days of unpaid leave, rather than parent’s leave.
(For instance, if your school is closing on a Thursday for Christmas – you could request four days of unpaid leave, Monday to Thursday inclusive, returning to salary on Friday, rather than a full seven-day block of parent’s leave which will overlap your Christmas holidays.)
See Chapater 11 of circular 54/2019 (PDF) for details of unpaid leave.
(For instance, if your school is closing on a Thursday for Christmas – you could request four days of unpaid leave, Monday to Thursday inclusive, returning to salary on Friday, rather than a full seven-day block of parent’s leave which will overlap your Christmas holidays.)
See Chapater 11 of circular 54/2019 (PDF) for details of unpaid leave.
I’m taking parent’s leave right up to the end of June. Do I need to return to school at the end of term in order to get paid for the summer holidays?
No, it’s fine to end the school year on parent’s leave. As soon as your leave ends, you will return to normal salary regardless of whether the school is open or closed.
I have just started with my current school – am I entitled to take parent’s leave?
Yes, if you have a child under two, you’re eligible to take your parent’s leave. There is no minimum period of continuous employment required before you are eligible to apply for parent’s leave.
Can my school refuse to grant the parent’s leave I’ve applied for?
If you are eligible for your parent’s leave, your employer cannot refuse it.