Q&A on Compulsory Retirement Age Changes
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) has published a Q&A document on the revision of the compulsory retirement age.
New DES templates/documents to assist schools in the implementation of the 2017 child protection procedures
The DES has published seven new templates/documents to assist schools in the implementation of the 2017 child protection procedures.
Sub Pay Issues – INTO Update
INTO is aware that a number of substitute members have been affected by a technical problem in the Department of Education and Skills (DES)
New Child Protection Inspections Model unnecessarily bureaucratic
INTO President Joe Killeen raised the issue at today’s meeting of the Teachers' Conciliation Council.
Constructive Meeting with Government and the Three Teacher Unions
Today, the INTO, ASTI and the TUI met with the oversight group of the Public Sector Stability Agreement.
Exciting Opportunities to Work in INTO Head Office
The INTO invites applications for a number of positions in INTO Head Office.
Two Fixed-Term Positions as Paid Interns – School year 2019/2020
The INTO invites applications for two positions as paid interns for the school year 2019/2020.
Important notice for teachers registered with Teaching Council with conditions
Any requests for an extension will be considered by the Teaching Council.
INTO Submission on DES Strategy Stresses Immediate and Longer-Term Priorities
The INTO submission sets out a range of background factors and INTO priorities for primary education in the period ahead.