
Update on Re-vetting


Between October and December 2018, approximately 8,000 teachers (who have GCVU vetting letters) were contacted by the Teaching Council to inform them of the ...

Late Payment of Substitute Teachers is Unacceptable


INTO has been in contact with the DES to express our concern about the late payment date for substitute work carried out from 17-21 December.It’s not accep...

Search and Rescue Leave Provisions Restored


INTO has secured restoration of the provisions which had previously been in place for teachers who volunteer for search and rescue work with accredited organ...

INTO 150 Debate – The Teaching Profession and Professional Regulation


On Monday, 10 December, the Irish National Teachers Organisation hosted a final INTO 150 event, a debate on ‘The Teaching Profession and Professional Regul...

INTO will see through current member consultation


Meeting this afternoon in Dublin, INTO’s Central Executive Committee confirmed the ongoing consultation with members will continue until all branches and d...

Car Insurance Queries: Contact from Cornmarket Brokers


INTO has been contacted by Cornmarket Brokers – whose INTO-endorsed products include the teachers’ car insurance scheme – following the reported diffic...

INTO Christmas Cards Donation


In lieu of sending Christmas cards this year, INTO will donate €2,000 to the charity Rosabel’s Rooms.Rosabel’s Rooms was established by parents Suzanne...

Early Closure of OLCS for Payment of Substitutes Over the Christmas Period


Payroll is closing on:Friday December 7th for payment on December 27thAll substitute claims for the week 3rd – 7th December must be keyed and approved by F...

Supplementary Panel Meetings Well Attended


INTO have been holding a series of supplementary panel information meetings around the country. Last night meetings in Cork and Galway were very well attende...