
Education (Admissions to Schools) Act, 2018


With the stroke of a pen, Minister increases workload for school leaders without any advance warning or consultationThe Irish National Teachers’ Organisati...

Applications for INTO Membership and Issuing of Ballot Papers on PSSA/Pay Equality Proposals


Ballot papers for the vote on the Public Service Stability Agreement (PSSA) 2018-2020, including the proposals on pay equality, are due to be posted later th...

Re-vetting of Teachers with GCVU Vetting Letters


The Teaching Council has today begun (October 2018) the process of writing to teachers who have GCVU vetting letters to inform them of the requirement to obt...

INTO CEC Launch LGBT+ staffroom poster


INTO LGBT+ and the Central Executive Committee launch campaign to make staffrooms LGBT+ friendlySchool staffrooms are often a place of refuge and, in a busy ...

DES Child Protection FAQ and Templates


The Department of Education and Skills (DES) has just published a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Principals and Boards of Management of Primary and Pos...

Significant Progress on New Entrant Pay


Following sustained negotiations, INTO CEC briefed on outcomeFollowing a motion at INTO’s Easter Congress 2018, the trade union entered into negotiations w...

Breastfeeding breaks for teachers


The DES have today issued circular 0060/2018 ‘Breastfeeding Breaks for Registered Teachers in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools.'; This circular ...

New District Officer Training


The first of this year’s training events for INTO’s new District Officers and District Development Co-ordinators is underway today in the Radisson Hotel ...

Show your support for Raise the Roof Rally


INTO General Secretary Sheila Nunan will lead the INTO delegation to the Raise the Roof Rally which takes place on Wednesday October 3 from 12:30 – 14:00.T...