
Revised circular on leadership and management in primary schools


DES has published Circular 70/2018 Leadership and Management in Primary Schools (pdf). This Circular is a revision of Circular 63/2017.The principal change i...

Seminars Announced for DLPs and Deputy DLPs on New Model of Inspection


The Department of Education and Skills Inspectorate has advised that it is hosting the following list of seminars for Designated Liaison Person (DLP) and Dep...

INTO leadership met with Department of Education and Skills


Today, Tuesday 13 November, the senior leadership of the INTO met with senior officials at the Department of Education and Skills. The INTO delegation compri...

InTouch Election Special lands in schools this week


INTO has produced an InTouch Election special featuring information on all three candidates for General Secretary. Featuring key information on the election ...

Pay Inequality and an Unwillingness to Restore Promoted Posts Undermine Action Plan


Joe Killeen, INTO President and Noel Ward, Deputy General Secretary/General Treasurer represented INTO today at the Teacher Supply Forum Consultation organis...

Branch and District Officers Conference – December


Following yesterday’s meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the INTO, it was agreed to convene a conference for Branch and District Officers on Dec...

CEC met to discuss INTO ballot result


INTO members voted last week to reject the Public Service Stability Agreement (PSSA). The Central Executive Committee (CEC) met this evening to discuss the b...

INTO leadership meets with concerned members as school closures continue


On November 6, 2018, Shane Loftus, District 15 CEC Representative, as well as Deirdre O’Connor and Niamh Cooper, INTO Officials, visited St. Luke’s Natio...

Availability of substitute teachers


Following a Congress 2018 resolution, the INTO is currently gathering information regarding the availability of substitute teachers. A comprehensive response...