
INTO stands side by side with Lloyds Pharmacy workers seeking union recognition


INTO sends message of support to Lloyds Pharmacy WorkersMeeting in Kilkenny today, members of the INTO’s Central Executive Committee issued a statement in ...

INTO demand early conclusion to talks


Negotiations ongoing but ambition remains the same, agreement critical The Central Executive Committee of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation today e...

INTO Retirement Planning Seminars for the 2018/19 School Year


We are happy to announce the first three of our Retirement Planning Seminars for the next school year.Retirement brings change. Take the time to consider the...

INTO General Secretary announces plans to retire in 2019


Today, at a meeting of the INTO’s Central Executive Committee in Kilkenny, INTO General Secretary Sheila Nunan notified the trade union's executive of her ...

Kindling the Flame: 150 Years of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation


“Kindling the Flame: 150 Years of the INTO” chronicles and marks the life of the INTO since its formal beginnings in 1868. It is a major contribution to ...

54,000 Raised to Fight Serious Childhood Illnesses for Ireland’s Sickest Children


A massive €54,000 has been raised by INTO for CMRF Crumlin to help some of Ireland’s sickest children. The outstanding charity efforts will support paedi...

Death of INTO Stalwart, Former President and Dedicated Educationalist Tom Gilmore’s Passing means the loss of a Great INTO Leader


The INTO greatly regrets the passing (on 1 August) of Tom Gilmore. Tom was a long-time friend and colleague of all involved in INTO and our union’s Preside...

INTO responds to reports that the Steering Group is advocating solutions to the supply crisis without adequate consultation


INTO challenges exclusion from Department of Education Steering Group on education supplyResponding to today’s reports in the press that the Department of ...

INTO Welcomes Removal of Religion as a Criterion for Enrolment


INTO welcomes removal of religion as a criterion for enrolment but warns against increased workload for school leadersThe Irish National Teachers’ Organisa...