Teachers share their back to school pictures on INTO’s Instagram
INTO members have been 'taking over' the INTO's Instagram account this week as part of the organisation's back to school campaign. The teachers have been sha...
Online course for Special Education Teachers
INTO Learning are offering a short 2 module online course aimed at teachers new to the role of Special Education Teacher. It focuses on understanding the spe...
Newly Qualified Teachers Urged to Join INTO
Three Months Free Membership for New JoinersAll newly qualified teachers, whether serving on longer term or on substitute contracts, should join INTO at the ...
What price do we put on our children’s future?
Dynamic new animation from the INTO sets out plan to value primary education.As teachers and children head back to the classroom this week, the INTO kicks of...
INTO calls for primary school budget boost at Oireachtas hearing
INTO Assistant General Secretary delivers remarks at Oireachtas CommitteeEvery child has the right to attend a school that is comfortable, bright, adequately...
INTO stands side by side with Lloyds Pharmacy workers seeking union recognition
INTO sends message of support to Lloyds Pharmacy WorkersMeeting in Kilkenny today, members of the INTO’s Central Executive Committee issued a statement in ...
INTO demand early conclusion to talks
Negotiations ongoing but ambition remains the same, agreement critical The Central Executive Committee of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation today e...
INTO Retirement Planning Seminars for the 2018/19 School Year
We are happy to announce the first three of our Retirement Planning Seminars for the next school year.Retirement brings change. Take the time to consider the...
INTO General Secretary announces plans to retire in 2019
Today, at a meeting of the INTO’s Central Executive Committee in Kilkenny, INTO General Secretary Sheila Nunan notified the trade union's executive of her ...