
Different Families, Same Love Competition


EXCITING COMPETITION FOR MARCH 2018!We are calling on teachers to take action in their classrooms to celebrate the diversity of people and families in Irelan...

INTO notes report on pay inequality and demands immediate talks


The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation today noted the report on pay inequality by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER). The union dem...

Teachers’ Musical Society 2018 Production


After the success of last year’s production of the dark, dramatic and downright demonic Sweeney Todd – The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, the Teachers’ ...

An Post/INTO Handwriting Competition 2018


Take part in An Post’ and INTO ‘St Patrick’s Day’ themed handwriting competition for primary schools.Post your entries by Tuesday, 20 March.The compe...

Teacher Fee Refund Scheme


The Teacher Fee Refund Scheme provides funding towards the cost of professional development courses relevant and of benefit to schools and that are subject t...

Press Notice Congress


Diary NoticeIrish National Teachers’ OrganisationINTO Annual Congress 2018The Annual Congress of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation will take plac...

DES Publishes Circular 16/2018 on School Self Evaluation


The DES has published circular 16/2018 (pdf) clarifying how schools should re-engage with SSE.This circular amends the previous SSE circular 39/2016 (pdf) wh...

DES Circular on Health and Safety Management


Circular 18/2018 reminds school management of responsibilities for safety and health, including fire safety, in primary schools.Download Circular 18/2018 (pd...

Joint Teacher Union Session for Safety Representatives – Health and Safety Legislation Briefings


The teacher unions (ASTI, INTO, TUI) are co-operating on a pilot project to increase awareness of health and safety legislation, including the role of Safety...