
Graduate Certificate in the Education of Pupils on the Autism Spectrum


Circular 0005/2018: Graduate Certificate in the Education of Pupils on the Autism Spectrum (AS) for teachers working with Pupils on the AS in Special Schools...

Closing Date for Applications for INTO/DCU PhD Scholarship


In 2018, the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) celebrates 150 years since its foundation. As part of the commemoration, Dublin City Universityâ€...

FĂ©ilte 2018


FĂ©ilte 2018 will take place in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick on Saturday 6 October 2018.FĂ©ilte is the Teaching Council’s annual Festival of Education...

Salary uplifts from 1 January 2018


The first payslip of 2018, issuing today (Thursday, 11 January) only reflects changes for 8 of the 14 days in the pay period. The full effect of uplifts to s...

Fifth edition of Irish Teachers’ Journal published


The fifth volume of the Irish Teachers’ Journal has been published by the INTO, and was circulated to all schools in December.First published in 2013, the ...

INTO Health Insurance Comparison Service


Tailored arrangements for INTO membersThis year the INTO is again offering members a free Health Insurance Comparison Service. This service, provided by Corn...

INTO Branch and District Officers’ Conference


INTO Branch and District Officers' Conference takes place this Saturday (13 January 2018) in Croke Park from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm.Tea and coffee available fro...

INTO AVC Plan – Annual Report


The INTO has received from the Trustee (Irish Life Trustee Services Limited) the annual report for the year ended 31 March 2017 of the INTO AVC Plan. Cornmar...

INTO Lifts Directive on SSE


To ensure the continuity of pay uplifts due on 11 (part payment) and 25 January (full payment), and subsequent payments, to continue INTO participation in th...