INTO to host inter-agency webinar on new Primary Maths Curriculum
The INTO will host an inter-agency webinar in collaboration with NCCA and Oide on the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum on Wednesday, 27 September, at 3.30pm.

INTO Retirement Planning Seminar – Registration Now Open
If you're considering your retirement, register now for the next INTO Retirement Planning Seminar. This in-person event will be held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Northwood, Santry, Dublin 9.

INTO Bursary closing date fast approaching
A reminder to all members that the closing date for this year’s INTO Bursary Scheme for members is fast approaching. Up to six bursaries will be awarded with awards of €3,000 for Doctorate Level and €1,500 for Masters Level/Other.

OECD report emphasises inadequate funding of Irish primary education
The latest OECD Education at a Glance report published today highlights the inadequate funding of primary education in Ireland in comparison to our EU neighbours.

Department launches new Maths Primary Curriculum
The INTO has welcomed the launch of the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum but emphasised that teachers must be afforded time and professional development support to implement it.

Principals’ Seminars programme 2023/24 – registration now open
Registration is now open for our principals’ seminars. Book your place now to avoid disappointment.

Vacancy for Senior Official (Permanent)
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) is currently recruiting for a Senior Official for our Legal and Industrial Relations section.

INTO launches Budget 2024 campaign
As a new school year begins this week, the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) is today launching our Budget 2024 campaign, Building a Brighter Future for Every Child...

Members donate €50k to children’s health research
€50,000 raised in this year’s Members’ Draw has been handed over to the Children’s Health Foundation by INTO President Dorothy McGinley. The funding goes towards sickle cell disease research.