
Practitioners sought for school mental health pilot


The DE and NEPS have advertised the position of Education Wellbeing / Mental Health Practitioner as part of Strand 2 of the Pilot Programme of Counselling and Wellbeing / Mental Health supports.

Holiday pay for substitute teachers issued today


Holiday pay for substitute teachers issued today, Thurs 20 July. Eleven percent of a daily rate is deducted and banked as holiday pay. The overall amount payable is based on days worked in the previous term.

Job opportunities at Global Village partnership


Global Village, the strategic partnership for the delivery of Global Citizenship Education at primary school level, is currently recruiting for a Digital Communications Officer and an Education Officer.

Changes to career break and job-sharing schemes


Following representations by the INTO, the DE today confirmed restrictions on teachers doing substitute work under the Career Break and Job Share schemes will again be lifted for the 2023/24 school year.  

Planning for a more diverse teaching profession


Last month, the Irish National Teachers' Organisation and Maynooth University's Turn to Teaching Community hosted a shared learning event promoting diversity and inclusion in the teaching profession.

Extra measures needed to ease teacher supply crisis  


The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation has written to the Department of Education and the Teaching Council demanding steps be taken to alleviate the growing teacher recruitment and retention crisis. 

Pupil mental health support must continue past 2024


The INTO strongly supports the inclusion of 78 primary schools in a pilot scheme aimed at mitigating pupil mental health challenges which have become more pressing in the aftermath of the pandemic. 

DE issues information note on recruitment procedures


The Department of Education has today published an information note regarding recruitment procedures. The note also provides an update on lists of available substitutes and registered retired teachers.

Mullingar member wins €10,000 in draw for CHF


The winner of the €10,000 top prize in the INTO Members’ Draw is Declan Claffey, Eoin Naofa NS, Mullingar. €67,826 was raised for the Children’s Health Foundation's research into sickle cell disease.