
Primary teachers achieve world-leading pupil literacy


INTO President Dorothy McGinley has commended union members after national and international reports today confirmed that Irish primary pupils are rated among the best in the world for literacy.

Changes to Covid-19 special leave with pay


Following updated HSE advice and a guidance document from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, the Department of Education (DE) has today published Information Note TC/IN 0004/2023.

Three Official vacancies in INTO Head Office


The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is currently recruiting for two permanent Official positions, and one 12-month fixed term Official position, with a starting date of 1 September 2023...

Supplementary panel now operating in some areas


The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation wish to advise our members that the Department of Education has issued the latest Supplementary Panel update, indicating several areas around the country where it is now in operation.

INTO welcomes issuing of payslips electronically


Electronic payslips are due to issue through the Digital Postbox today. Payment will issue as normal into accounts tomorrow. Members wishing to receive an e-payslip must register for a Digital Postbox.

INTO united behind Northern strike action


Members of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) in Northern Ireland will engage in strike action on Wednesday, 26 April in their ongoing campaign for fair pay.

Applications now open for 2023 INTO bursaries


The INTO Bursary Scheme will be continued for 2023, with up to six bursaries awarded worth €3,000 for doctorate level and €1,500 for masters level/other. Application deadline: Monday, 25 September.

Summer Programme deadline extended to 5 May


The Department of Education has extended the registration date for the 2023 Summer Programme to Friday, 5 May at 5pm. School-based programmes can be held this year in both mainstream and special schools.

INTO raffle for Children’s Health Foundation


The INTO has launched this year's Members' Draw, in aid of the Children's Health Foundation with a prize fund of €20,000 and a grand prize of €10,000. Closing date to buy tickets: Weds, 14 June, 5pm