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INTO calls on Government to revive public sector pay talks as primary teachers set to be balloted for industrial action


The Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) today decided to initiate a September ballot of all its members (ROI) for potential industrial action, unless the Government’s irresponsible procrastination on public-sector pay talks ends quickly with a respectable pay offer put on the table. The decision was taken in solidarity with all workers across the public … Continued

Ballots to commence after unions back public service pay campaign


Unions are to ramp up preparations for industrial action ballots after ICTU’s Public Services Committee (PSC) today (Wednesday) agreed to mount a coordinated union campaign on public service pay. The PSC is made up of unions representing over 90% of Ireland’s public servants. Speaking after the PSC meeting, its chairperson Kevin Callinan said unions were … Continued

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66,000 primary pupils in supersized classes


The Department of Education has published a new report on class sizes in Ireland, titled ‘Statistical Bulletin – July 2022, Overview of Education 2001 – 2021’. This report provides a damning assessment on the size of Ireland’s supersized classes. In the last two years, the INTO has secured a one-point reduction in class sizes across … Continued

ICTU Public Services Committee – Public service pay campaign to include industrial action ballots


ICTU public service union negotiators have today (Friday) recommended a coordinated union campaign on public service pay, supported by industrial action ballots, to address the impact of soaring inflation on low and middle earners.

Department of Education update on staffing and redeployment panels


The Department of Education has issued updates on staffing and redeployment panels.

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Early intervention and resources needed for primary and special schools challenges


The Irish National Teacher’s Organisation (INTO) appeared before the Joint Committee on Autism today, represented by Máirín Ní Chéileachair, Director of Education, Research & Learning and David O’Sullivan, Director of Conditions of Employment and Leadership. 

INTO publishes submission on anti-bullying procedures


The INTO has welcomed the opportunity to make a submission to the Department of Education (DE) on the topic of the Review of the 2013 Action Plan on Bullying and the review of the 2013 Anti- bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-primary Schools.

members update

INTO publishes submission on draft maths curriculum


As part of the consultation process on the Primary Maths curriculum, the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) has today published our submission to the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) in respect of the draft primary mathematics curriculum. Considering the significance of the teacher’s voice in policy, the INTO supports the partnership approach to … Continued

Consultation, planning and resourcing essential to Special Ed provision – INTO


Earlier this week the government, without stakeholder engagement, approved the text of a new bill which aims to shorten the current Section 37A process. The bill is now expected to swiftly progress through both Dáil Éireann and the Seanad.