Retirement planning seminars registration open
The €50 charge includes all teas/coffees throughout the 2 day period, full lunch on Friday and a light lunch prior to departure on Saturday. There is also a Wine Reception at 5pm on Friday evening.

Teacher voice delivers increased investment for education in Budget 2023
INTO members supported our Budget2023 campaign, sending 37,000 emails to local TDs and attending lobby meetings in constituencies around the country.

Budget 2023: Welcome measures but important aims must not be forgotten
Members of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) participated in a grassroots campaign calling for increased investment in primary education.

INTO Deputy General Secretary calls for a Yes Vote – Review of Building Momentum
INTO Deputy General Secretary/ Treasurer Deirdre O’Connor is today calling on all members of the union to cast a vote in the online poll on the Review of Building Momentum...

New INTO online service for leave queries
The INTO is now offering members an enhanced information service about leave entitlements with the launch of a new Leave Estimator, on INTO.ie.

INTO Bursary closing date fast approaching
This is a reminder to all members that the closing date for this year’s INTO Bursary Scheme for members is fast approaching. Up to six bursaries will be awarded with awards of €3,000 for Doctorate Level and €1,500 for Masters Level/Other.

INTO President urges members to email TDs ahead of Budget 2023
INTO President John Driscoll has commended INTO members who have engaged with their public representatives in advance of Budget 2023, which will be announced on Tuesday, 27 September 2022. The union has been in regular contact with politicians representing every Dáil constituency, including Senators and MEPs, to call for much-needed investment in primary education. Our … Continued

General Secretary calls on members to back new deal
INTO General Secretary John Boyle is encouraging members to accept the latest pay offer under the review of Building Momentum, in line with the recommendation of the union’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) decision. Against the backdrop of soaring inflation, public service unions including the INTO invoked a review clause in the agreement last March with a view … Continued

INTO Executive recommends acceptance of pay offer
The executive has taken the decision to ballot the 43,000 members in the Republic of Ireland, and to recommend acceptance of the deal.