Principals’ Seminars 2022/23 – Waterford, Meath, Leitrim and more
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) are delighted to announce that our popular principals’ seminars will be held at various locations throughout the country during the 2022-23 school year.

INTO suspends planned industrial action ballot to consider new pay offer
In light of the amended pay offer negotiated by officers of the ICTU Public Services Committee, the union has decided to suspend the planned ballot for industrial action ...

Raise your voice for primary education in Budget 2023
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) ramped up its Budget 2023 campaign today with the launch of an online tool that members, parents and concerned citizens can use to lobby local representatives in the run-up to the Budget announcement on September 27. This is part of a wider campaign that features on-street advertising and social … Continued

Department confirms existence of supersized classes in every county
The recently-published Department of Education Statistical Bulletin and associated documents shed a valuable light on pupil numbers and large class sizes in Irish primary schools.

Updated parent’s leave Circular
The Department of Education has published Circular 0050/2022, which updates the terms of the parent’s leave scheme for teachers. The INTO is extremely disappointed that members who have made sufficient PRSI contributions, and who are eligible for parent’s benefit, will not have their salaries topped up by the DE while availing of parent’s leave. The key … Continued

INTO calls on Government to revive public sector pay talks as primary teachers set to be balloted for industrial action
The Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) today decided to initiate a September ballot of all its members (ROI) for potential industrial action, unless the Government’s irresponsible procrastination on public-sector pay talks ends quickly with a respectable pay offer put on the table. The decision was taken in solidarity with all workers across the public … Continued

Ballots to commence after unions back public service pay campaign
Unions are to ramp up preparations for industrial action ballots after ICTU’s Public Services Committee (PSC) today (Wednesday) agreed to mount a coordinated union campaign on public service pay. The PSC is made up of unions representing over 90% of Ireland’s public servants. Speaking after the PSC meeting, its chairperson Kevin Callinan said unions were … Continued

66,000 primary pupils in supersized classes
The Department of Education has published a new report on class sizes in Ireland, titled ‘Statistical Bulletin – July 2022, Overview of Education 2001 – 2021’. This report provides a damning assessment on the size of Ireland’s supersized classes. In the last two years, the INTO has secured a one-point reduction in class sizes across … Continued

ICTU Public Services Committee – Public service pay campaign to include industrial action ballots
ICTU public service union negotiators have today (Friday) recommended a coordinated union campaign on public service pay, supported by industrial action ballots, to address the impact of soaring inflation on low and middle earners.