Consultation, planning and resourcing essential to Special Ed provision – INTO
Earlier this week the government, without stakeholder engagement, approved the text of a new bill which aims to shorten the current Section 37A process. The bill is now expected to swiftly progress through both Dáil Éireann and the Seanad.

INTO and IPPN Joint Statement: Education partners condemn Minister’s spin on special education
The INTO and IPPN condemn the politicised decision by the Department of Education to name a small number of Dublin primary schools who have raised reasonable concerns relating to a lack of resources required to deliver a quality education to students with special educational needs.

1,450 AP posts restored to primary and special schools
The Department of Education has published Circular 0043/2022 which sets out the INTO-secured restoration of 350 Assistant Principal 1 (AP1) and 1,100 Assistant Principal 2 (AP2) posts to commence in primary and special schools from September 2022. ..

Time frames for recruitment and appointment procedures reduced
To facilitate the timely recruitment of teaching staff and the appointment of principals and deputy principals (open competition), the time frames for advertising and interviewing as outlined in the department Circular 0044/2019 are reduced until 31 December 2022.

Thousands of primary and special school pupils to be denied fully registered teachers
The INTO is deeply concerned that the Department of Education (DE) has failed to answer our call for an education recovery plan that would give every child in primary and special schools a fair chance to be taught by a qualified and registered teacher throughout the next school year. The Department has also failed to … Continued

Main panel list issued
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) wishes to advise members that the main panel comes into operation today. The Department of Education has sent a list of permanent teachers available for redeployment to the panel operator in each diocese, or under each patron body. There are currently 195 surplus permanent/CID holding teachers on panels for redeployment.

INTO welcomes allocation of additional SNAs
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) welcomes the allocation of additional SNAs for primary and special schools set out in Circular 35/2022, which issued this afternoon. The union understands that an additional 1,100 SNAs will be allocated on foot of budget commitments and that the SNA Mainstream Allocation for 2022/23 will be based on the identified needs of the school on 21 May 2022.

Over 750 contracts of indefinite duration awarded so far this year
In recent weeks the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation has advised and assisted members in relation to claiming a contract of indefinite duration (CID) under the provisions contained in the Department of Education Circular 0023/2015. This year’s application form is Appendix H of DE Circular 25/2022. Notification of decisions in respect of these applications is currently underway.

INTO objects to changes to working arrangements for higher-risk and pregnant teachers
The Department of Education (DE) has published Information Note TC 0006/2022, which is titled: ‘COVID-19: Working Arrangements for Higher Risk Teachers and Special Needs Assistants (employees) for the 2022/23 school year’ The INTO has objected to the removal of COVID-19 Risk Assessments and the removal of the provision that people in the very high-risk category … Continued