
Joint BIGTU statement – Work overload negatively affecting wellbeing in education systems


Following the first in-person meeting of Presidents and General Secretaries from the ten education unions within the British and Irish Group of Teacher Unions (BIGTU), the group has called on policy makers within their jurisdictions to prioritise the tackling of teacher workload and the promotion of practitioner wellbeing within schools, colleges and universities.

Important dates regarding Staffing Circular and CIDs


INTO members are being reminded that 9 May 2020 is a key date for staffing arrangements in primary schools and are also advised that those eligible for a Contract of Indefinite Duration (CID) should apply as soon as possible.

Appeals Process for Special Education Teaching Allocations


The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) has released guidelines on the appeals process for SET allocations. Criteria for the 2022/2023 allocations are outlined in Circular 0020/2022 published earlier this month. The list of allocations by school is available as Appendix C linked to Circular 0025/2022.

Reminder: 30 April is the final closing date for applications for Outstanding Qualification Allowances


The final closing date for receipt of eligible qualification allowance applications is 30 April 2022. This is as a result of the findings of the adjudicator under a claim brought to the Teachers’ Conciliation Council by the teacher unions. 

INTO Grants for Educational Research


The INTO Bursary Scheme for members will be continued for 2022.

INTO elects a new President and Vice-President


Congress 2022 has elected a new President and Vice-President of the INTO ...

INTO secures restoration of 1,400 assistant principal posts in primary and special schools


Following negotiations between the INTO senior leadership team and officials from the Department of Education and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, agreement has been reached to restore an additional 1,400 posts of responsibility in schools, as part of the sectoral bargaining process.

Staffing Circular for 2022/2023 and related circulars for school year published 


The announcement of the staffing arrangements for primary schools from next September again heralds a very welcome reduction in primary class sizes.   

Big wins for INTO as sectoral bargaining process settles several key claims


Following protracted negotiations between the INTO senior leadership team and officials from the Department of Education and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, agreement has been reached to settle a number of claims submitted by this union.