Vacancy in INTO Head Office
Applications are invited for this fixed-term position (12 months from Sept. 2022). The successful candidate will be part of a dynamic, responsive and flexible team, committed to achieving INTO objectives especially in the area of direct service to members.

INTO Curriculum consultation – focus groups
The INTO is conducting online consultation with members based on the Draft Primary Curriculum Framework (available here) published by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) in February 2020. Given that over 20 years have elapsed since the introduction of the 1999 curriculum, it is important this review takes place to ensure primary education … Continued

DE Information Note updating Covid leave & working arrangements
The Department of Education (DE) has published Information Note 0001/2022, which details updated leave and working arrangements from January 2022 due to Covid-19. The key change relates to the application requirements for special leave with pay (Covid-19: Self Isolation and Covid-19: Diagnosis) and for restricted movement on foot of recent HSE advice.

Job opportunities in Global Citizenship Education (Primary)
The Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO), Irish Primary Principals Network (IPPN), Trócaire and Dublin City University (DCU) recently formed a consortium for the delivery of a new strategic partnership with Irish Aid on Global Citizenship Education at Primary school level.

Education unions encourage minute’s silence in all schools and colleges to honour Ashling Murphy
All schools across the country are being asked to observe a minute’s silence at 11AM on Tuesday, 18 January in memory of Ashling Murphy...

Member update – public awareness campaign, banked hours, facemasks and more
Over the last month the INTO has advocated on behalf of members, repeatedly engaging with the Minister for Education, the Chief Clinical Officer and officials from the Department of Education and public health. The INTO has continued to engage with Department of Education officials in advance of next week’s meeting with public health advisors. Since our last member update there have been a number of developments which are outlined below.

INTO encourages members to light a candle in memory of Ashling Murphy
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) is asking members around the country to light a candle today in memory of Ashling Murphy, the young teacher killed in Tullamore Co Offaly on Wednesday.

Workshop – Understanding and Preventing Racism in Schools
The INTO and the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, in association with Donegal, Dublin West, Galway and Kilkenny Education Centres, will be hosting a series of online workshops entitled Understanding and Preventing Racism in Schools this January and February.

Member update – summary of meeting with Minister Foley and officials
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO), alongside other education unions and management, met with Minister Foley and officials from the Department of Education and Public Health this afternoon ahead of the planned reopening of schools on Thursday.