Revised Final Closing Date for Application for Outstanding Qualification Allowances
The DE have issued a final closing date of 30 April 2022 for receipt of eligible qualification allowance applications as a result of the findings of the Adjudicator under a claim brought to the Teachers’ Conciliation Council by the Teacher Unions.

Deadlines for Supplementary Panel and Claiming tax back
A reminder that the application deadline for the 2022/23 Supplementary Panel is tomorrow, Friday 17 December 2021. Postal applications only will be accepted this year, and must be received by Allocations in the Department of Education by 5pm tomorrow. Late applications will not be accepted. For more information click here.

INTO calls on Government to bolster public-health supports
In the 10 weeks since the government withdrew public-health risk assessments, contact tracing and mass PCR testing from primary schools, the number of children aged 5-12 testing positive for COVID-19 has almost quadrupled from 1,866 cases (week 38) to 7,359 cases (week 48).

INTO welcomes measures extending the Droichead process
The INTO welcomes the temporary measures put in place by the Teaching Council providing additional pathways for NQTs to complete Droichead.

Ombudsman upholds complaint against Department on delayed pension statements
INTO member Kieran O’Connell has received a significant decision from the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman in a complaint against the Department of Education (DE) for their failure to provide him with pension statements.

Amended Department Note & Updated INTO FAQs
The Department of Education has advised INTO that has been a slight amendment to Information Note 0027/2021 which issued on Monday 6 December 2021. The amended Information Note is available here.

Storm Barra – School closures in certain counties to continue tomorrow
The Department of Education has this evening advised schools in the following counties to remain closed tomorrow...

Information Note – updated working and leave arrangements
Following the provision of updated HSE guidance, the Department of Education (DE) has today published a revised version of Information Note 0027/2021 originally published yesterday. The note advises of updated working and leave arrangements that will apply under specific circumstances. Some of the updates include: Special Leave with Pay: This remains available in circumstances where a … Continued

Renewal of Registration with the Teaching Council
Members are reminded to renew their registration with the Teaching Council before their current period of registration expires.