
Member update – Recent Developments


The INTO continues to liaise with Department of Education and relevant authorities on behalf of members during the summer break. The following member update details recent developments.

INTO is hiring …


We are currently recruiting for two fixed term positions in our Conditions of Employment and Leadership and Communication sections ...

Updated guidance for very high-risk and pregnant staff published


Following the provision of updated HSE guidance, the Department of Education (DE) has today published Information Note 0025/2021, which advises and clarifies the following: The HSE has recently published Education Sector Guidance on Employees in the COVID-19 Higher Risk Categories, including Pregnant Employees. Teachers who consider themselves to be at very high risk of serious illness from … Continued

Member donation cheque for €35k presented to Children’s Health Foundation


The INTO has presented a cheque to the Children’s Health Foundation (CHF) after €35,000 was raised for the foundation in our annual members’ draw.

INTO launch pre-budget submission – We can do better!


The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) has today launched our annual pre-budget submission, titled We can do better. Throughout the week we will be briefing representatives of the different political parties on the priorities for primary education ahead of Budget 2022. The pandemic has laid bare the lack of investment in our primary education system. … Continued

Member update – Preparation for 2021/22 school year continues


Planning for the next school year continues with regular meetings between education partners expected to take place during July. The following INTO member update details recent developments. Review of the 2020-21 school year The Department of Education and public health advisors are reviewing the last school year, during which there were 1,893 COVID-19 outbreaks in … Continued

Staffing and Redeployment Panel Update


The Department of Education has issued updates on staffing and redeployment panels.

INTO President commends teachers supporting 34,000 pupils in Summer Provision & FAQs reminder


INTO President Joe McKeown has commended members participating in this year’s summer provision programmes. The Department of Education recently announced the provision of expanded summer education programmes for students with complex special educational needs and those at greatest risk of educational disadvantage for summer 2021 as a COVID-19 response measure. Under the expanded scheme, pupils … Continued

New pilot scheme to support small schools launched


The Minister for Education has launched a two-year action research project aimed at supporting small rural schools. The project aims to encourage small schools to cluster together in local groups, enabling them to collaborate, identify common challenges and work together on solutions.