Education Conference 2021
The 2021 Education Conference took place on 12-13 November with the dual themes Digital Learning and Wellbeing

#Teacher2Teacher webinar series
The INTO will be collaborating with teachers and teacher educators to offer a number of webinars to support teacher professional development, promote peer led learning and share best practice

100 extra Supply Panel Jobs to include summer pay
Following the INTO’s recent negotiation of supply panel extensions, many fixed-term posts for supply teacher positions have been advertised on educationposts.ie and staffroom.ie.

Members urged to engage in Climate change campaign
As the COP26 climate change conference today focuses on climate and education, the INTO is supporting a number of initiatives promoting awareness of climate change and other environmental issues.

INTO joins British and Irish Teaching Unions call for quality Climate Education
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) today joined voices with other teacher unions in Ireland and Britain to call for a strengthened role for educators in the fight against climate change.

INTO welcomes scaling up of supply panel scheme and other measures to tackle substitution crisis
Following intensive engagement between the INTO and the Department of Education, an information note (English & Gaeilge) on substitution has been issued today. The INTO welcomes the further expansion and fine-tuning of the operation of the Supply Panel Scheme, and the 100 extra fixed-term teaching posts to be added to the scheme. We further welcome the Department’s adoption … Continued

ICTU conference calls for more teaching posts North and South
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) biennial Conference today supported a call for better resourcing of education on the island of Ireland.

Registration open for Retirement Planning Seminar
We wish to advise members that registration for our resumed face-to-face Retirement Planning Seminar scheduled for 19/20 November The Crowne Plaza, Northwood, Santry, Dublin 9 is now open.

Winter series of webinars – members’ terms and conditions of employment
The INTO is running a series of informational webinars on topical terms and conditions of employment issues for members during the winter of 2021. The webinars are free and will be delivered by Head Office Officials from the Conditions of Employment and Leadership section. There will be a presentation on the topic followed by a question and answer session. These webinars will take place on Wednesdays.