Help us plant ONE MILLION TREES – Register to participate today
Self Help Africa, with the support of the INTO, is calling on all schools across the island, north and south, to get involved with the ongoing campaign to help tackle climate change by planting one million trees.

INTO calls for public-health supports for primary schools to be scaled up
In light of comments by the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) on the deteriorating public-health landscape, the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) is today calling for: The immediate reintroduction of public-health risk assessments, testing and contact tracing in primary schools. The expansion of the supply panel scheme to cover all primary and special schools. … Continued

Budget 2022 – Public Sector Update (General)
In addition to our analysis of education sector commitments in Budget 2022, the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) is providing below an overview of general aspects of the budget which may be of interest to our members. Taxation Income tax rates will stay the same (20% and 40%). The standard rate tax band (the amount that can … Continued

Budget 2022 – INTO Analysis
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) has analysed the education commitments in Budget 2022. Members will find below a general overview based on the information made available to the union today. On behalf of the union, INTO President Joe McKeown wishes to commend the incredible efforts of so many grassroots members, particularly our dedicated lobbyists, … Continued

Class size reductions, special ed supports and DEIS expansion welcome, but school leadership taken for granted – Budget 2022
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) represents teachers and school leaders in primary and special schools in the Republic of Ireland. Over the last number of months, our members supported a broad national budget campaign to deliver critical investment in primary education in Budget 2022. Class sizes Teachers and parents alike, speaking in one voice, … Continued

INTO concerned about implications of revised sequencing for access to substitution
The Department of Education has today, belatedly, published Circular 0050/2021 outlining Covid-19 operational supports that will be in place for the current school year. Sequencing of access to Substitution Circular 0050/2021 also sets out the revised sequencing of access to substitution for primary teachers. The INTO recently made it clear to the Department of Education that in light of the substitution … Continued

Vacancy in INTO Head Office
Vacancy for temporary Official in the INTO Conditions of Employment and Leadership Section – Dublin based Applications are invited for this fixed-term (9-month) position. The successful candidate will be part of a dynamic, responsive and flexible team, committed to achieving INTO objectives especially in the area of direct service to members. This is a position which involves … Continued

INTO addresses Joint Committee on Leaving Cert reform
INTO today participated in the Oireachtas Joint Committee roundtable discussion on Leaving Certificate Reform, with the union stating that senior-cycle reform should reflect the diversity of pupils, their needs and abilities. The Joint Committee on Education, Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science met to discuss a number of issues, including assessment options; key subject areas and digital learning; access, equality and wellbeing supports; and Irish language and Irish-medium education. Máirín Ní Chéileachair, INTO Director of Education and Research, represented the union, addressing access, equality and wellbeing supports, with a particular focus … Continued

Covid Learning and Support Scheme (CLASS) & Droichead – FAQs
The INTO has published a series of FAQs on the Covid Learning and Support Scheme (CLASS) announced by the Department of Education last month. The programme will commence from Monday, 11 October. CLASS recognises the damaging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s learning, development, and wellbeing and its potential to have a long-lasting and profound effect on our children and young people in a variety of … Continued