INTO members raise €35,000 for the Children’s Health Foundation
The INTO would like to sincerely thank all our members who purchased a ticket for our annual members’ draw in aid of the Children’s Health Foundation (CHF; formerly Children’s Medical and Research Foundation).

INTO Reacts to Departmental Strategy Statement (2021-23)
The Department of Education has published a three-year strategy statement, covering the period 2021 to 2023. Reacting to publication of the strategy statement, INTO General Secretary John Boyle said: In setting the strategy of the department for the coming years, this document is published at a time of great disruption and change within primary and … Continued

CHF/Annual Members’ Draw – Closing date extended!
We make this special plea to you to participate in our annual raffle in aid of the Children’s Health Foundation

INTO calls for high speed broadband and increased ICT investment
Earlier this week, the Department of Education announced that it had sought €66.5 million from the Next Generation EU fund and National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021 to provide digital infrastructure and funding to schools. The Department of Education’s proposal to the EU comprises two projects in the digital area: Project A aims to support … Continued

Summer Provision – registration closing date extended
Members are advised that the closing date for schools to register an expression of interest in the 2021 Summer Provision Schemes has been extended to Friday, 25 June.

Teacher supply report misses the mark again
The INTO rejects key assumptions which underlie the report Developing a Teacher Demand and Supply Model for Ireland 2021 – 2038. The report, compiled for the Department of Education’s Teacher Supply Steering Group, is based entirely on demographics, assuming that fewer pupils should equate to fewer teachers. It is hardly surprising that a group that has excluded … Continued

Member Update: Ventilation, testing, summer provision and more
A member update on recent, notable developments is detailed below. Air ventilation monitors The Department of Education has issued updated guidance on the ventilation of school facilities. Heeding a call from the INTO, and advice from the expert group established to evaluate this recommendation, the department has now agreed to provide air ventilation monitors to … Continued

Vacancies at the INTO
The INTO is currently recruiting for two senior roles within the union. Please find information on the open positions below. Senior Official/Deputy Director of Communications (Temporary – 1 Year) Section: Communications Location: INTO Head Office, Dublin Overview of the role INTO’s communications team ensures members and employees are kept up to date with union developments, … Continued

INTO applauds cross-party and government support for Reproductive Health Leave Bill
INTO members across the country wrote to Senators over the last week in support of the proposed Organisation of Working Time (Reproductive Health Leave) Bill 2021. The bill, proposed by Senator Ivana Bacik, and informed by the compelling and harrowing stories of INTO members who endured challenging reproductive leave related incidents, including miscarriages and invasive … Continued