Clarification on staffing allocations for Summer Provision
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) has received a clarification from the Department of Education in respect of staffing allocations for the forthcoming summer programmes, which also issued to schools this morning. Following guidance issued last week, and queries raised in relation to staffing allocations, the Department has this morning clarified the following. The staffing … Continued

Failure to top up parent’s benefit an affront to working families
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) welcomes the publication of Circular 0030/2021, which clarifies the terms of the parent’s leave scheme for teachers. However, the INTO is extremely disappointed that members who have made sufficient PRSI contributions, and who are eligible for parent’s benefit, will not have their salaries topped up by the Department of … Continued

Children’s Health Foundation (formerly CMRF) INTO Annual Members’ Draw 2021
We make this special plea to you to participate in our annual raffle in aid of the Children’s Health Foundation

Member update: Public health support getting back on track
At the end of another busy week for the INTO, we would like to provide a member update.

Almost 900 CIDs awarded with a 175 further applications pending
Since January of this year the INTO has been advising and assisting members in relation to claiming a CID under the provisions contained in the Circular 0023/2015.

Retirement Planning Webinar – Registration Open
The next INTO Retirement Planning Webinar will take place on Saturday 22 May 2021 from 9 am to 4 pm.

INTO increases death grant payments
The Benefit Funds Committee (BFC) oversees death grants for INTO members and their spouses.

Israel-Palestine: Teachers condemn violence against children and civilians
INTO condemns, in the strongest possible manner, the atrocities committed against innocent children and civilians in Palestine and Israel in recent days.

Update: Main Panel List issues today
The Main Panel comes into operation today. The Department of Education has sent a list of permanent teachers available for redeployment to the panel operator in each diocese, or under each patron body.