Welcome clarity for schools on SNA allocations
The INTO has been advised that the introduction of the new Frontloaded Allocation Model for Special Needs Assistants for pupils in mainstream classes is to be deferred for a further year to the beginning of the 2022/23 school year. The Department of Education has stated that it was not possible to deliver the necessary training and information workshops … Continued

INTO welcomes agreement on enhanced funding for summer provision
Over the last number of months, the INTO has engaged with the Department of Education to secure additional support for summer programmes in schools. We welcome today’s confirmation that our recommendations have been taken onboard, including early payment of staff, the allocation of a paid coordinator, the expansion of the scheme to include more pupils and grant assistance for schools hosting the scheme.

INTO Welcome Replacement of 270 Posts of Responsibility
Following the INTO’s call for early replacement of posts of responsibility (POR) lost to the primary and special school sector, due to the retirement of post-holders, the Department of Education has now issued a revised Posts of Responsibility Circular 0025/2021. Speaking at INTO Congress 2021, INTO General Secretary John Boyle in his response to Minister Foley … Continued

Guidance on pregnant and very high-risk staff published
The Department of Education has today published Information Note 0013/2021 which clarifies that pregnant and very high-risk teachers should work from home for the remainder of this school year. The information note advises about the COVID-19 Health Risk Categorisation Report obtained during this school year and outlines the arrangements for the 2021/22 school year. The … Continued

INTO notes reported advice for pregnant teachers
Following representations from the INTO seeking clarification in relation to pregnant and high risk teachers, we are aware of press reports that these staff will continue to work from home to the end of the school year. The media reports state that the updated public health advice continues to advise members who are pregnant to … Continued

INTO Head Office is hiring
Assistant General Secretary Education, Research and Learning Section: Education, Research and Learning Location: INTO Head Office, Dublin General Job description A vacancy has arisen for the position of Assistant General Secretary (AGS) in the INTO’s Education, Research and Learning Section due to a forthcoming retirement. The successful candidate will form part of the INTO senior … Continued

Update to Teacher Fee Refund Scheme – Prioritisation of Funding
The Department of Education recently issued Circular 0015/2021, Update to the Teacher Fee Refund Scheme – Prioritisation of Funding. If you are thinking of undertaking a course during the next school year, you should read the circular first to see whether the course you intend doing will qualify for the refund of fees scheme. The changes … Continued

Reminder – In-person Supplementary Programme
The in-person supplementary programme of provision will end on 30 April. Completed paperwork must be received by the Department of Education by Friday, 14 May. No forms will be accepted after this date.

Vacancy for Official INTO Northern Office
Applications are invited for this Fixed Term position at INTO Head Office. The successful candidate will be part of a dynamic, responsive...