Friday member update – vaccines, testing, staffing and inspections
Welcome to the latest INTO member update, which seeks to ensure members are kept informed of latest developments across a wide range of issues. COVID-19 Education partners met Department of Education officials and Dr Kevin Kelleher (NPHET) again this morning. A wide range of issues were discussed. The Department of Education officials agreed that amplified … Continued

Teacher unions call for vaccine meeting with Taoiseach
The ASTI, TUI and INTO have written to An Taoiseach, Micheál Martin TD, seeking a meeting with Government representatives to focus on the rollout of vaccinations to our members.

Member update –Testing Reports, Antigen Testing, Vaccination, Pregnant/High Risk Staff & more
Education partners representing primary, post-primary and special schools met with Department of Education officials and public health advisors yesterday (Th...

ASTI, INTO and TUI demand urgent meeting with government on teacher vaccination
Earlier this week, the ASTI, INTO and TUI unions condemned the decision of government to abandon vaccine prioritisation for teachers. At all times, the union...

Government pauses cuts to services in special schools
Earlier this week, members of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO), gathering online at Congress 2021, called for further investment in special education to be at the heart of the sector’s post-Covid recovery.

INTO Virtual Congress 2021 – Motions passed
The INTO’s Annual Congress took place online this year on 6 and 7 April and was attended by almost 700 delegates. Over the course of the two days, INTO mem...

Teacher unions pass emergency motions demanding teacher vaccination
Earlier this morning, the three teaching unions, the ASTI, INTO and TUI passed a joint motion at their respective Easter congresses condemning the recent cha...

INTO welcomes 50,000th member
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) has welcomed our 50,000th member of the trade union recently. Ruth Kearney, a recent graduate of Marino Institute of Education joins the union during one of the most challenging years on record...

Clarification for Pregnant Education Staff
Following representations by the INTO on behalf of teachers who are pregnant, the Department of Education has clarified in Circular 0021/21 issued today, tha...