E-Mail your TD – Vaccine prioritisation
The INTO is extremely concerned about changes to the Government’s National Vaccination Programme announced yesterday.

Parent’s Leave Entitlements
Following the recent passage of the Family Leave and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2021, with effect from 1 April 2021, the statutory entitlement to Parent...

INTO concerned by media reports re: potential changes to National Vaccination Programme
The INTO is extremely concerned by widespread media reports concerning potential changes to the Government’s National Vaccination Programme.

Applying for a Contract of Indefinite Duration (CID)-Informational Video
With the issuing of the Staffing Circular 0019/2021 last week, the application process for CIDs is currently underway.The FAQ should be read in conjunction w...

Foilsiú na nImlitreacha ar an Scéim Aitheantais Scoileanna Gaeltachta 2021/22
Tá na hImlitreacha a bhaineann leis an Scéim Aitheantais do Scoileanna Gaeltachta don bhliain 2021-22 foilsithe anois ar shuíomh na Roinne Oideachais. Tá...

Reminder – forthcoming April deadlines
Members should note a number of forthcoming deadlines in the near future.Staffing arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2021/22 school year – Wednesday, ...

Staffing circular published
Today’s announcement of the staffing arrangements for primary schools from next September heralds a very welcome reduction in primary class sizes. The over...

COVID-19 Member Update
Earlier this morning, the INTO met expert public health advisors and Department of Education officials to discuss the latest developments within our primary ...

Member update – reopening, mass testing, school placement and more
Following the government’s announcement last Monday that primary schools will fully reopen next Monday, 15 March, the INTO has continued to highlight members' concerns, engaging with the Department of Education and all other primary and special education stakeholders in an effort to further improve confidence in working conditions and health-and-safety supports.